Weblog and Idea Spot for Quilters

14 December 2008

Getting My Winter Fix

I had to get my winter fix last week. There's only just so long a northern girl can go without seeing snow. I drove 500 miles before seeing any snow at all and another several hundred before I found any snow falling. Lots of runny nose, frozen fingers and muddy floorboards later, I came home with a camerafull. The dazzling array of greys, blues, and whites that can only be found during a snow flurry poke at the creative center in my brain the way few other things can.


  1. So that's where you were! Beautiful!

  2. Oh my goodness...I would drive 500 miles in the opposite direction to escape the runny nose, frozen fingers and muddy floorboards, LOL. I do love to see the snow falling though, and to see the first light of day on newly fallen snow before any tracks appear in it, but other than that - No thank you! Your picture is beautiful.


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